About us


Our vision is to be the service provider at the forefront of decision sciences to advance patients’ access to medical innovations.


We aim to equip innovators and decision-makers with transparent and sound methods to design access solutions in the best interests of patients, shareholders and society.

Areas of interest

Apart from innovative healthcare technologies in general, we have a special interest in personalized medicine and new mHealth (mobile health) technologies.

How we work

Our conclusions and recommendations are impartial: we are Independent.

We listen, we share and we challenge ideas: we are open-minded.

Our models are transparent and user-friendly. However technical and sophisticated they are, we make sure any user can navigate and understand them: we are transparent.

SERFAN innovation is lean, flexible and pragmatic: we are agile.

We translate results into eye-catching and accessible presentations: we are communicators.

Academic base

The founder and executive director of SERFAN innovation, Olivier Ethgen, holds academic tenure at the University of Liège, Belgium. This provides SERFAN innovation with immediate access to clinical expertise (University Hospital), epidemiological expertise (School of Public Health) and financial expertise (School of Business & Management).

Read more about Olivier Ethgen